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زبان مبداء
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15 درحدود 15 - 1 نتایج
40زبان مبداء
این درخواست ترجمه "فقط معنی" می باشد.40
یونانی Σήμερα είναι η εβδομάδα "Αγαπώ τον αδερφό μου".
Σήμερα είναι η εβδομάδα "Αγαπώ τον αδερφό μου". Αν έχεις αδερφό που σε έχει κάνει να γελάσεις, σου έχει σκουπίσει τα δάκρυα, σε έχει αγκαλιάσει, σε έχει δει να πετυχαίνεις, σε έχει δει να σκοντάφτεις βάλε αυτό στην κατάσταση σου! Αν έχεις έναν καταπληκτικό αδερφό.

ترجمه های کامل
اسپانیولی Hoy es la semana «Amo a mi hermano»
انگلیسی Today is the "I love my brother" week
40زبان مبداء40
انگلیسی Arkansas Democrats will need a June 8 runoff...
Arkansas Democrats will need a June 8 runoff election to decide whether Sen. Blanche Lincoln or Arkansas Lt. Gov. Bill Halter will go on the November ballot, the Associated Press projects.

ترجمه های کامل
اسپانیولی Los Demócratas de Arkansas tendrá una segunda vuelta de elecciones el 8 de junio
فرانسوی Le parti démocrate de l'Arkansas a besoin d'un dernier tour de vote le 8 Juin prochain
38زبان مبداء38
یونانی γεια σου τι κανεις??
γεια σου τι κανεις??

ترجمه های کامل
فرانسوی Salut, comment ça va?
38زبان مبداء38
انگلیسی Athenian tragedies like Antigone often present...
Athenian tragedies like Antigone often present the epic hero (that is, a character like those at the center of the
Iliad) acting and living within a society more like that of Greece in the fifth century BCE, a very different
environment from the legendary battlefields of Troy! This new context results in a kind of tragic irony:
actions which are acceptable for a Homeric hero can lead to disaster when they happen in a "modern" city.

ترجمه های کامل
ترکی Antigone gibi Atina trajedileri
38زبان مبداء38
انگلیسی Simplicity...
I believe, that life is likened to, a piece of fine crystal. It can be beautiful, or in a moments notice, be shattered, beyond repair. If you do not believe in love at first sight, believe...that perhaps, your vision is impaired. It matters not your age in life, I believe love, should be welcomed and treasured. I believe, that many of our unanswered questions, are only answered, when we are no longer, of earthly matter. I believe that some things are better kept to ones self. I believe that there are rooms in life's experience, that should not be entered. Do you believe in your God? Do you believe, that your religion is the right religion? What do you believe of the billions of people who do not believe, as you believe? I believe, it could not be, that one religion, is the true way to worship. I believe, that there is one Supreme Being. I believe this Supreme Being, is by-lingual, multi-colored and of all ethnic races. I believe He loves and blesses us all. I believe, in order for this to be a better world, it must begin with each of us trying to be better. I believe that the billions, upon billions of dollars spent on the machine of war, could better be used for poor and disenfranchised. I believe in a new days discovery. I believe, in the beauty of nature. I believe, in the kiss of the rain. I believe that true friends are rare. I believe in charity, without recognition. I believe, in extending a helping hand, to those in need. I believe, in preserving the dignity of humanity. I believe in the innocence of children. I believe that one, should let their heart, do their thinking. I believe, in the goodness of humanity. I believe, that true trust, is like interest earned, on money in a bank... it comes with the passing of time. I believe in wisdom. I believe in the beauty of a starlit sky. I believe in promises kept. I believe that America, truly is the land of opportunity. I do not believe, that most dreams come true. I do believe, that dreams can lead one to the path, of ones inner desires. I believe, that many listen, but do not hear. I believe in honesty and integrity. I believe, in a mothers love. I believe in a fathers pain. I believe, in placing ones family first. I believe that many successful people, leave in their path, countless orphans of success. I believe, when the sickness is sadness, laughter is the cure. I believe, that a good work ethic, can serve all of us well. I believe in good wine and good friends. I believe, in a time each day, to give thanks. I believe in forgiveness. I believe, if one can forgive a friend, then surely, one can forgive family. I believe in the power of the written word. I still believe in hand written letters. I believe the first cup of coffee in the morning, is the best. I's important to believe in something you care about. I believe, in sanctity of life. I believe that each day of life, is precious and a treasure of unequaled value.
Lilian, do you feel to do it or Francky.???? An American penfriend sent this to me and asked if I could have it translated.

ترجمه های کامل
فرانسوی Ce que je crois, ce à quoi je crois, ce en quoi je crois...
38زبان مبداء38
پرتغالی برزیل Em algum lugar no tempo nós ainda estamos...
Em algum lugar no tempo nós ainda estamos juntos.
Essa frase é parte do refrão da música "Em algum lugar no tempo" da banda de rock Biquini Cavadão.

ترجمه های کامل
لاتین Alicubi tempore etiamnunc una sumus.
عبری בזמן כלשהו, אנחנו עדיין ביחד.
یونانی Κάπου στο χρόνο
کاتالان En algun lloc en el temps, nosaltres encara estem...
36زبان مبداء36
فرانسوی Madame, Monsieur, Le 04.05.09 je vous ai...
Madame, Monsieur,

Le 04.05.09 je vous ai envoyé un courrier (Copie jointe)pour demander votre assistance, et j'ai pas eu de réponse. Pourquoi ?

Recevez, Madame, Monsieur, mes salutations respectueuses.


<edit> took 2 interrogation marks on 3, as 1 is enough to be understood as interrogative. </edit>

ترجمه های کامل
انگلیسی Dear Madam, Dear Sir...
47زبان مبداء47
انگلیسی Moonlights game
Moonlights is a tower building physics puzzler, that will challenge the brain and the physics skills of the whole family.

# 40 levels of increasing difficulty
# Animated tutorials on the first levels
# Regular updates with new levels and new items
# Gravity controlled by flipping the screen
# Scroll and zoom with classic gestures of multitouch devices
# Local scores
# Level editor in Flash (soon)
This is a description for a game I've been developing and just released for the iPhone.
If there are some words that are not cleared, please post a message to ask.

"puzzler" = puzzle game
"physics" = based on physics/gravity simulation.

You can view a video of the game here :

ترجمه های کامل
اسپانیولی Videojuego: "Moonlights"
هلندی 'moonlights' spel
ترکی Moonlights(Ayışıkları)
ایتالیایی Gioco Moonlights (chiari di luna)
آلمانی Das Moonlights-Spiel
32زبان مبداء32
انگلیسی I'm ripping my heart out of this place of sin
I'm ripping my heart out of this place of sin.
Please translate this for me.
Im fairly good at spanish but for my latest poetry in spanish i can't seem to get this sentence quite right.. I know its dark but please help me out.

ترجمه های کامل
اسپانیولی Estoy arrancando mi corazón de este lugar de pecado.
لاتین Cor meum ex eo loco peccandi abduco
25زبان مبداء
این درخواست ترجمه "فقط معنی" می باشد.25
ترکی anladım herÅŸey sensin
anladım herşey sensin

ترجمه های کامل
فرانسوی Toi
انگلیسی You
پرتغالی برزیل Compreendi, você é tudo.
صربی Shvatio sam, ti si sve
13زبان مبداء
این درخواست ترجمه "فقط معنی" می باشد.13
یونانی Κανόνες του παιχνιδιού:Οι ...
Κανόνες του παιχνιδιού:
Οι Multihunters είναι υπεύθυνοι για την επιτήρηση των κανόνων του παιχνιδιού. Εάν έχετε ερωτήσεις γύρο απο τους κανόνες, μπορείτε να γράψετε σε έναν Multihunter.
» Δημιουργία μηνύματος

ترجمه های کامل
انگلیسی The rules of the game
14زبان مبداء14
اسپانیولی Nadie da duros a cuatro pesetas.
Nadie da duros a cuatro pesetas.
Es una frase hecha; ¡evítese una traducción literal!

ترجمه های کامل
فرانسوی On n'a rien sans rien.
انگلیسی If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.
کاتالان Ningú dóna duros a quatre pessetes.
ترکی Parayı veren...
10زبان مبداء10
فرانسوی l ile des pingouins
Regarde, mon fils Bulloch, du côté de la Surelle. Il se trouve précisément dans la fraîche vallée une douzaine d’hommes pingouins, occupés à s’assomer les uns les autres avec des bêches et des pioches dont il vaudrait mieux qu’ils travaillassent la terre. Cependant, plus cruelles que les hommes, les femmes déchirent de leurs ongles les visages de leurs ennemis. Hélas !mon fils Bulloch, pourquoi se massacrent- ils ainsi ?
_Par esprit d’association, mon père, et prévision de l’avenir, répondit Bulloch. Car l’homme est par essence prévoyant et sociable. Tel est son caractère. Il ne peut se concevoir sans une certaine appropriation des choses. Ces pingouins que voyez, ô maître, s’approprient des terres.

ترجمه های کامل
اسپانیولی La isla de los pingüinos
166زبان مبداء166
انگلیسی Only God Can Judge Me
Only God Can Judge Me

ترجمه های کامل
عربی الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
ایتالیایی Solo Dio può giudicarmi
فرانسوی Dieu seul peut me juger
اسپانیولی Solamente Dios puede juzgarme
پرتغالی Só Deus me pode julgar
ترکی Beni sadece Allah yargılayabilir
پرتغالی برزیل Somente Deus pode me julgar.
انگلیسی Only God can judge me
لاتین Deus solus me judicare potest
انگلیسی Only god can judge me
ایتالیایی Solamente Dio può giudicarmi
عربی الله فقط يمكنه محاسبتي
یونانی Μόνο ο Θεός μπορεί να με κρίνει
لاتین Deus solus iudicare me potest
چینی ساده شده 只有上帝可以审判我
ژاپنی 神のみが私を裁くことができるのだ
عربی الله وحده يستطيع محاسبتي أو محاكمتي
چینی سنتی 只有上帝可...
فرانسوی Dieu seul peut me juger
پرتغالی برزیل Somente Deus pode...
روسی Бог
لهستانی Tylko Bóg może mnie osÄ…dzić...
عبری רק אלוהים יכול לשפוט אותי
لاتین Deus Solus Potest Me Iudicare
اکراینی Лише Бог може судити мене.
اسپرانتو Nur Dio povas juĝi min
کره ای 오직 하나님만이 나를 심판하실 수 있다
دانمارکی Kun Gud kan dømme mig
صربی Samo Bog može da mi sudi
سوئدی Endast Gud kan döma mig
هلندی Alleen God kan over mij oordelen
بلغاری Само Бог може да ме съди
کرواتی Samo Bog mi može suditi
آلمانی Nur Gott kann über mich urteilen.
بوسنیایی Samo Bog može da mi sudi.
لیتوانیایی Tiktai Dievas gali mane teisti
مجارستانی Csak Isten ítélhet meg engem.
آلبانیایی Vetëm Zoti mund të më gjykojë
چینی سنتی 只有上帝能審判我。
اندونزیایی Hanya Tuhan dapat mengadili saya
چکی Jenom Bůh mnÄ› může posoudit
هندی केवल भगवान ही मेरा विचार कर सकते हैं.
مغولی Бурхан шvvÑ… эрхтэй
ایسلندی Aðeins Guð getur dæma mig.
فاروئی Bert Gud kann døma meg.
کاتالان Només Déu em pot jutjar.
یوناني باستان Mόνος ὁ Θεός δύναται με διακρίνειν.
فارسی تنها خدا می‌تواند در باره‌ی من داوری کند.
ویتنامی Chỉ có Chúa má»›i có thể phán xét tôi